Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tropic Thunder Is Racist, Insulting And Damn Funny

Now I certainly understand why the mentally disable are pissed off at Ben Stiller recently released movie Tropic Thunder and the "Simple Jack" character. It is offensive. Let me apologize to the mentally disabled and their advocates but I laughed my ass off. And I don't feel bad because the darts are really turned at egotistical actors who jump at the chance to play "Simple Jack" because the Academy has a history of rewarding those performances -Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Sean Penn. This movie is aimed squarely at Hollywood and the fact that it will "peddle us any kind of shit and call it" entertainment -remember Howard Beal of Network.

I am a Robert Downey fan and if he was bold enough to play black-face in this politically correct culture, then I was bold enough plop down my eight dollars. Downey did not disappoint. At times I squirmed at watching him but he is so good, and the movie is so funny. Besides it is 2008 and a black guy is about to be President.Even black people should lighten up -no pun intended. Tom Cruise is in the movie and I don't want to ruin it for you, but he should be nominated for an Oscar.

I have said numerous times that Art by nature must be offensive. Ben Stiller certainly went in with that thought. But After eight years of Bush, Iraq War, high gas prices, and foreclosures, we deserve to go into a large room together, turn down the lights and laugh our asses off at each other and our own callousness at accepting any 'shit" that Hollywood gives as entertainment.

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